Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City

Information on consular services of the Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam. On this website you will find general information, address and contact details like telephone number, faxnumber and email address of the Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam. The Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City represents the country of Canada in Vietnam.

Vietnam tourists visa for Indian in United States
Apply Vietnam tourist visa for Indian citizens in Canada

The Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City is a satellite office of the Canada Embassy in the region, manned by fewer staff, and headed by a Canada national having the title Consul or Honorary Consul. The Canada consulate would usually be able to provide most of the consular services given by a Canada Embassy but on the spot, at a local level.
Consulate Services could be consular assistance to Canada nationals who might be situated in or nearby Ho Chi Minh City or to Vietnam nationals who want to travel to Canada. Any problems involving Canada citizens over and above the scope of authority of the Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City can always be referred on to the Canada Embassy in Vietnam itself.

Canada Consulate Appointment - Many Consulates nowadays need visitors to make an appointment first before they visit the consulate. In most cases you are able to arrange an appointment by telephone or at the Consulate website. On the official website of the Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City you can find all the information on opening hours and appointments.
Travel documents and Visa - The Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City can inform every individual on Canada passport and visa applications and procedures. However, not all consulates offer visa and/or passport services. The difference between the several consulates found in a certain country are the level of powers and size of these consulates. Some consulates are the bigger consulate-general and usually can assist in a wide scope of consular matters. Other smaller consulates are often manned by private citizens and are called honorary consulates. These honorary consulates often have limited powers. To find out more on the consular services provided by the consulate you can contact the Canada Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City directly by telephone or email.
    Canada Consulate Opening Hours: Please note that consulate opening hours may change without notice. Always contact the Canada consulate in Ho Chi Minh City before a visit.

Vietnam Visa on arrival and Vietnam Visa code

Vietnam visa on arrival

This type of visa is very easy and convenient to get; the cost is very cheap. You do not take too much time to apply for a visa and always be consulted about the troubles in the visa application quickly. Moreover, you do not have to pay for consulting services; you simply send an email to us. That customer need pay the most attention for Vietnam visa on arrival is their own passport must have legal value of at least 6 months from the date of arrival to Vietnam.

All you need to do is to apply for visas online at our website and then we'll send you an Approval Letter of the Vietnam Immigration Department. Customers only need to print this approval letter and bring it to international airports such as Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat to get your official visas.

You need to prepare 2 pictures(4 * 6 cm).
Other Fees must be paid directly at the Vietnam Airport.

Kinds of Visa on arrival:
1. One-month single Visa:
This kind of visa allows travelers to enter or exit Vietnam only once time within one month as registered. It’s unnecessary to enter or exit on the exact date as in their Vietnam Visa therefore they can choose whenever they want to come or leave in the duration of validity (one month).
2. Three-month single Visa:
This kind of visa allows travelers to enter or exit Vietnam only once time within 3 months as registered as. It’s unnecessary to enter or exit on the exact date as in their Vietnam Visa therefore they can choose whenever they want to come or leave in the duration of validity (3 months).

3.One-month multiple Visa:
This kind of visa allows travelers to enter or exit Vietnam several times within one month as registered. It’s unnecessary to enter or exit on the exact date as in their Vietnam Visa therefore they can choose whenever they want to come or leave in the duration of validity (one month).

4.Three-months multiple Visa:
This kind of visa allows travelers enter and exist Vietnam many times within 3 months as registered. It’s unnecessary to enter or exit on the exact date as in their Vietnam Visa therefore they can choose whenever they want to come or leave in the duration of validity (3 months).

Vietnam Visa Code
You apply for application form in the website by filling out this properly.
We will then send your application form to Vietnamese Immigration Department and  arrange to obtain the visa approval code service for you.
Following such an approval, we will send you notification  (by fax or email) and fax the approval to your desired Embassy or Consulate. You will need to take that approval with your passport so that Embassy or Consulate can get the visa stamped on your passport, which is done on the same day.

Note: You have to pay fee for Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate and the fee is different from each country.

In some cases, there is no Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in the country where you are living or travelling. You do not have much time or Vietnam is only one of your destinations. Visa on Arrival is the best option for saving your time and money.

Working Licence for foreigners as regulation of Vietnam Government

Who should apply?

All enterprises and organizations recruiting foreign laborers to work in Vietnam, except:
  • Foreign laborers entering Vietnam to work for a period of less than  03 (three) months; and those entering Vietnam to resolve and emergency situation such as a breakdown or a technically or technologically complex situation which suddenly arises and which affects, or has the risk of affecting production or business and which Vietnamese experts and foreign experts in Vietnam are not able to resolve
  • Foreigners who are members of the Board of Management or member’s council (in the case of a limited liability company) established under Vietnamese laws with legal status
  • Foreigners who are head of representative offices or branches in Vietnam
  • Foreign lawyers to whom Ministry of Justice has issued a certificate to practice in accordance with laws
Where to apply?
Department of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affair in the locality where enterprises locate their headquarters
Validity of the License and application fee

  • Fees on granting a working license: 400.000 VND/permit
  • Fees on re-granting a working license: 300.000 VND/permit
  • Fees on extension of a working license: 200.000 VND/permit
  • Same duration as the duration of the labor contract or as set out in the decision of the foreign party on appointment, but shall not exceed 36 months.
Application conditions and documents
Eligibility of Applicants
  1. Being 18 years of age or older
  2. Being physically fit to the work requirements
  3. Must have highly technical skills or highly professional qualifications (including: engineers and persons of a standards similar to or higher than engineers; traditional trade artisans) and be very experienced and be senior professionally in the direction of production or business operation or in management work which Vietnamese employees are not yet able to perform.
  4. Have no previous conviction or criminal record and must not currently be subject to criminal prosecution or any criminal sentence in accordance with Vietnamese and foreign laws
  5. Foreign employees engaged in private medical or pharmaceutical practices or directly carrying out disease examination and treatment in Vietnam must satisfy all conditions stipulated by the Vietnamese laws in relation to private medical or pharmaceutical practice.
Application dossiers, which should be prepared in 2 copies, shall consist of the following:
  1. Application for issuance of work permit of the labor users;
  2. Application for working in Vietnam;
  3. Form of criminal record issued by the competent authority from the foreign countries they lived. In case where the foreigners have resided in Vietnam for over six months, they should also submit the Form of criminal record issued by the Department of Justice in the locality where they are living.
  4. CV of the foreign laborer’s resume, made according to a form set by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, including an attached photograph of the foreigner.
  5. Medical certificate issued at some appointed hospital in Vietnam ( which depends on each locality)
  6. Legal copies of certificates on professional skills such as: bachelor, master, doctor and certificates on qualifications granted under the existing law of the foreign countries. If foreigners are craftsmen of traditional crafts or are persons having experience, but no formal certificates, shall provide written documents provided by competent authorities of their country attesting to their qualifications and experience.
  7. 3 (three) color photos (size 3cm x 4 cm) with bare head, taken frontally, showing clearly the face and 2 ears and no glasses
Take notice: All of documents at No. 3 and No. 6 have to be verified at employee’s Embassy in Vietnam first, then translated to Vietnamese and notified one more time at the local People Council before handing over to Department of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affair in the locality where enterprises locate their headquarters

The process
  1. Labor users take responsibility of making preparation for a dossier under provisions of laws and submit to Department of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affair.
  2. Within 15 working days as from the date of receipt of a valid dossier, the competent authority shall grant the work permit.
How long it will take to process the application?
15 working days

Inspecting authorities
Department of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affair in centrally run cities and provinces.

Non-compliance penalty
  • A fine between 5.000.000 VND to 10.000.000 VND is applied to employers using foreign laborers who have no work permit.
  • Sanction of expelling foreign laborers is applied when foreigners working in Vietnam for over 3 months have no work permit or use the invalid work permits as stipulated in Clause 1, Article 133 of supplemented and amended Labor Code

Guidance Procedures For Request Permanent Residence Cards

Foreigners who are staying in Vietnam in one of the following cases considered, for permanent settlement:

A. IS spouse, child, parent of Permanent Resident CITIZEN VIETNAM IN VIETNAM "
( Point c, Clause 1, Article 13 of the Ordinance on Entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam, on April 28, 2000).

1. / 02 applications for permanent residence ( sample N7, with 04 photos size 3x4 cm).
2. / 02 the curriculum vitae of the applicant for permanent residence (Form N10).
3. / 02 the judicial certified by the competent authorities of the country where that person is a citizen or the country where that person has permanent residence.
4. / The function of the competent authorities of the country where that person is a citizen proposal to solve that is residing in Vietnam(  Transfer of votes attached diplomatic Vietnam).
5. / 02 copies of passports.
6. / 02 copy of visa or temporary residence card valid for use in time of filing, 02 copies XNC vote.
7. / 02 copies of proof of the wife, husband, son, father, mother, Vietnam's citizens residing in Vietnam.
8. / 02 guarantee for foreigners residing in Vietnam ( Form N9) certified by the People's Committees of communes, wards, with 02 copies of ID, the sponsor's household), depending on specific cases the sponsor and the sponsor must present proof is in the legal or financial resources to ensure legal housing and life to the guaranteed.

- The above documents ( except for permanent residence application, the function, passport, visa) must be translated into Vietnamese and notarized or legalized under the provisions.

DURATION results: During the six months from the date of receipt of valid dossiers, the agencies managing immigration review and decision. Circumstances deem necessary to verify additional verification, the time may be extended but not exceeding 03 months. Immigration Management Office will grant permanent residence cards within 05 days after receiving notice of acceptance Immigration Administration Ministry of Public Security.

Periodic 03 years who are granted permanent resident card must bring the card to the area in the Immigration Administration of the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government, while presenting a permanent resident card must produce and submit the picture to change new card. Without presenting as prescribed, it can be a permanent resident card revoked. Where there is a need to change contents of the permanent residence card, the resident must apply at the Immigration office management permanent residence. Procedures as follows:

1. / 01 declaration was granted permanent resident card ( Form N8, with 02 photos 3x4) certified by the local police where permanent.
2. / 01 original passport photo ( With original for comparison)
3. / 01 original old resident card.

DURATION results: 05 working days after receiving complete and valid dossier ( Toll fee collection).
Note: Where the reissue of lost, procedures, such as 01 single page and submit evidence lost. Time: the result is 14 working days.



1. / 02 applications permanent residence ( Form N7) 3x4 photo, certified seal borders and future picture of Ward People's Committee or the Police, Social
2. / 02 self vitae ( Form N10) certified by the People's Committee or the Police wards and communes
3. Certificate guarantees ( Form N9) certified by the People's Committees of communes, wards (with spouse as Vietnam has permanent residence, with 02 copies of ID, the sponsor's household).
4. / 02 copy of the marriage registration. 5. / 02 copies of proof of citizenship status.
6. / 02 copy of birth certificate ( Where the child was born in Vietnam)
7. / 03 picture size 3x4 cm

TIME results: Time pay as a result, 06 months after receiving complete and valid dossier, the case should verify the additional time may be extended but not more than 03 months.

1. / 01 declaration of application for permanent residence on the card ( Form N8) photo size 3x4 cm, Police have confirmed or Ward People's Committee, commune
2. / 02 picture size 3x4 cm
3. / Original permanent residence card.

TIME results: 05 working days after receiving complete and valid dossier ( Toll fee collection).
Note: Where the reissue of lost, procedures, such as 01 single page and submit evidence lost. Time: the result is 14 working days.


1. / 02 applications for permanent residence ( Form N7) photo 3x4cm size, certified seal borders and future picture of Ward People's Committee or the Police, Social
2. / 02 self vitae ( Form N10) certified by the People's Committee of Public Security or wards.
3. Certificate guarantees ( Form N9) certified by the People's Committees of communes, wards (with spouse as Vietnam has permanent residence, with 02 copies of ID, the sponsor's household).
4. / 02 copy of the marriage registration statement or 01 living. 5. / 02 copy of birth certificate ( Where the child was born in Vietnam)
6. / 03 picture size 3x4 cm

TIME results: Time pay as a result, 06 months after receiving complete and valid dossier, the case should verify the additional time may be extended but not more than 03 months. II. PROCEDURES FOR CHANGE:

1. / 01 declaration of application for permanent resident card ( Form N8) photo size 3x4 cm, Police have confirmed or Ward People's Committee, commune
2. / 02 picture size 3x4 cm
3. / Original old resident card.

TIME results: 05 working days after receiving complete and valid dossier ( Toll fee collection).
Note: Where the reissue of lost, procedures, such as 01 single page and submit evidence lost. Time: the result is 14 working days.

Wer braucht ein Visum für Vietnam?

Visum till Vietnam behövs om du tänkt stanna i landet längre än 15 dagar, eller saknar utresebiljett från landet. Om din vistelse i Vietnam är 15 dagar eller mindre samt att du kan visa upp en flygbiljett ut ur landet, så behöver du inte visum.

Ett turistvisum ger dig möjligheten att stanna i Vietnam i 30 dagar och en månad till efter förlängning på plats i Vietnam.

På denna webbplats kan du läsa mer om visum till Vietnam. Välj ovan vilken typ av visum du vill ha mer information om. I spalten till höger har vi även sammanställt svaren på de vanligaste frågorna som finns angående visum till Vietnam.

Lycka till och ha det så kul i Vietnam!

Is the Vietnam Visa on Arrival Program Trustworthy?

One of the most important lessons travelers learn is that they should work only with trustworthy individuals and companies. Whether it is booking a hotel room, finding a great rental car or securing travel documents, travelers need to be careful.

When it comes to travel documents, it is even more important to exercise caution. After all, not securing the right travel documents could end your trip before it even begins. If you have traveled internationally before, chances are you already have a valid passport, but if you are planning a trip to a more exotic destination, you might find that you need additional documentation, like a valid entry visa.

If you are planning to travel to Vietnam, you will need a valid entry visa in addition to a passport. Many new travelers are intimidated by this visa requirement, but it is really quite simple to obtain the documentation you need, even before you leave home.

There are a number of ways to get the entry visa you need to travel to Vietnam, but not all options are equally convenient. One choice is to travel to an embassy, where you can present your identification and get the entry visa you need.

The problem is that many people do not live anywhere near an embassy. If you live in a major city, you may be lucky enough to have an embassy within a reasonable driving distance. If not, you could be looking at a long drive, or a costly plane ticket, just to get to the embassy. Once there, you could face further obstacles in the form of limited hours and low staffing levels.

The good news is  that you do not need to travel to a far off embassy to get the travel documents you need to enter the country of Vietnam. The government of Vietnam has created a program known as the Vietnam visa on arrival. This program allows travelers to submit their identification documents to an authorized travel agency and receive an official letter. When the traveler arrives in Vietnam, he or she presents that official letter and receives an entry visa. The process is designed to be simple, easy to understand, and very streamlined.

Some first time travelers to Vietnam may wonder if the Vietnam visa on arrival program is trustworthy and legitimate. The truth is that this program has been designed by the Vietnamese government, and the officials at all airports in Vietnam are well aware of it and have a thorough understanding of how it works. That means you can rest assured that your arrival letter will be honored when you arrive at the airport in Vietnam. You can simply get your official approval letter, put it with your passport and board your flight. Then when you arrive, you can disembark, present your letter, go through customs and be on your way.

How to get Vietnam visa from Canada?

Canada is not in the list of Vietnam visa exemption; therefore, every Canadian is required a valid visa to enter Vietnam. From Canada, you can get a visa to Vietnam by two following options:

Option 1: Get Vietnam Entry Visa at Vietnam Embassy in Canada:

You can apply for Visa to Vietnam at Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in Canada:
  • Embassy of Vietnam in Ottawa, Canada
  • Address: 470 Wilbrod Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6M8, CANADA
  • Phone: (1613) 236 0772
  • Fax: (1613) 236 2704
  • Email:,,
  • Office hours: Office hours: Monday to Friday: Morning: 9.30 a.m - 11.30 a.m Afternoon: 13.30 p.m - 16.00 p.m

However, it may take you 2-5 working days to get Vietnam Visa at Vietnam Embassy in Canada.

Option 2: Get Vietnam Visa on Arrival:

Visa on arrival – the visa picked up at arrival airport – is offered to all of those who are the Canadian passport holders. This kind of method is created to make the Canadian trip to Vietnam simpler and more economical. It is applicable for those travelling by air to Vietnam.

Visa on arrival is a special advantage for those who live far from the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in Canada. The applicants neither have to go to the Embassy nor have to send out the passport. By using this way of getting Vietnam Visa, a Canadian only needs at least 2 days for normal processing and 1 day for urgent processing (or only 4 working hours for super urgent service – see Super Urgent Service) to get a pre-approval letter issued by Vietnam Immigration Department which is an official permission of getting visa upon arrival.
How to get pre-approval letter and visa?
You go online at this website, fill in the secure form, make service payment, and just wait for 2 working days (normal service) or within 1 working day (urgent service) to get your Visa Approval Letter issued by Vietnam Immigration Department via email.

Print the approval letter out together with a filled entry and exit form and 2 passport sized photos

Get your visa stamped at Vietnam airport checking point by submitting printed visa approval letter, passport, 2 passport-sized photos, entry and exit form, and stamping fee to the in-charge officer.

  • Before applying for Vietnam visa, a Canadian has to make sure that his/her passport has minimum 6 month validity and left pages.
  • Visa on arrival option is ONLY applicable for Canadians traveling by air to Vietnam. 


In order to get your Vietnam visa, you should pay two kinds of fees: Service fee and Stamping fee.

1. Service fee

Service fee is the fee you pay to us for assisting you in submitting your application to the Vietnam Immigration Office and getting the visa approval letter.

Service fee needs to be paid in full in advance to process the visa approval letter in 1 working day (urgent service) or 2 working days (normal service) and 4 working hours (super urgent service).

2. Stamping fee

Stamping fee is the fee you pay directly to Immigration Officers in cash (in USD or VND) (at Immigration Desk/Counter) at your arrival airport in Vietnam to have visa stamped onto your passport.

The fee is collected by the Immigration Officers and compulsory for all those who use visa on arrival method. See table below for details.

NOTIFICATION: New stamping fees come into effect from January 1, 2013.

  • 45 USD for 1 month or 3 month single entry visa
  • 65 USD for 1 month multiple entry visa (less than 30 days)
  • 95 USD for 3 month multiple entry visa